What happens if jack isnt loyal

In order to do that, you should pick any option other than "Too bad, Jack": this will permanently halt the Romance, even if you talk with her after to restore her Loyalty. Picking "Back off, Miranda" will avoid this, however this will render Miranda Disloyal and you'll have to use a Persuasion option with her after to make her Loyal again. The best option is to pick one of the Persuasion options, either "This is a distraction" Charm or "This ends now!

This will cause both of them to stand down without jeopardizing their Loyalty or a Romance with Jack, however you'll need to have a very high Paragon or Renegade meter in order to choose one of these. Pick "I'm glad you're here" to properly Lock In the relationship and initiate Shepard and Jack's night together.

If you pick "Can I believe you? You'll be unable to talk with her on the Normandy afterwards. As Jack is a member of Normandy's crew, you must also make sure she survives the Suicide Mission at the end of Mass Effect 2.

If Jack isn't Loyal but you still want to keep her around, avoid picking her for any defined role or as a Squad Mate: that will get either herself or somebody else killed. Mass Effect 2 Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 22 Jul pm.

Read with caution! Notably however, you can have a sexual encounter with Jack before then, but it's considered a fling and WILL lock you out of any further interactions with her on the Normandy. Jack is also involved in a fight with Miranda, and your choice there can sever a Romance with her if you pick the wrong option.

Third Stage In this stage, once again pick "I want to talk about it" to begin, then pick "Take your time". Jack vs Miranda Once you complete both Jack and Miranda's Loyalty Mission, they'll get into a big fight in Miranda's office, and it's your job as the Commander to calm them down. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. Kept Zaeed and sent Mordin on the escort mission. Jack survived. More topics from this board Legendary edition reveals ME2 is the worst of the triology.

How exactly do I keep both Jacks and Mirandas loyalty? Build 5 Answers Aria's cache of goodies? Side Quest 3 Answers On illium who should I have liara kill?

General 7 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: nice one Trev nice one Trev 9 years ago 1 I made all the right choices from what I can gather. It's said though that you should not use a member that isn't loyal for specific missions such as escort or part of your team.

So, I didn't use Jack for anything in the final suicide mission. I just left Jack with everyone at the end that were holding them off whilst you go off and do the final part with two other members.

At the end though, Jack died. If Jack aint loyal how am I supposed to save her? User Info: njorls njorls 9 years ago 2 You need to have a good "hold the line" score or people die while you're at the final fight. User Info: Vulchar Vulchar 9 years ago 3 njorls posted User Info: Vulchar Vulchar 9 years ago 6 nice one Trev posted User Info: Vulchar Vulchar 9 years ago 9 nice one Trev posted Blood Dragon Armor dlc is free.

How to change character appearances. There are three parts to this section. According to Game Informer's graph , this check is dependent on whether or not you upgraded the Normandy's Armor at the upgrade terminal, and affects the fate of Jack. There are two possible results here:.

As you can see, not having the upgraded Shields will put a Squad Mate at risk. The order, according to Game Informer's graph , is determines who will be present when the Tantalus Drive overloads. You can affect this based on who you recruited, and who you've taken with you to the Shuttle Bay.

But if you then bring Tali and Thane with you to the Cargo Bay immediately before this, then Garrus will be in the Drive Core Room and die if you didn't upgrade the Shields. The third and final phase is a check on whether you bought the Thanix Cannon for the Normandy at the upgrade terminal.

The order of who will die if you don't have the Thanix Cannon works just like the Shield Check, in accordance with Game Informer's graph. However, since this takes place after the Cargo Bay fight, you cannot protect an at-risk squad member like you can with the Shield Check. Once you make it inside the base, you'll have three more checks to pass that determine the survival of your squad and crew, although the first one is determined at the meeting after the Normandy crashes and before you set out.

Your first obstacle is to pick someone to go through a vent system in order to get past a door. While you pick a Vent Specialist and a Fireteam Leader, it's the person who you pick as Vent Specialist who is at risk here. Here's how this works. According to Game Informer's graph , you need to pick a tech expert as the Vent Specialist, since only they can pull off the vent task. Additionally, the Fireteam Leader needs to be someone with experience leading a team.

Once you and the Vent Specialist meet back up, you'll discover the Normandy's crew. According to Game Informer's graph , the fate of the crew is entirely determined by how many Missions or Assignments you did after they were first kidnapped.

You'll now have to trek through the Collector Base in a team of two, and you'll need to decide who should lead the Second Fireteam and who the Biotic Specialist on your Fireteam should be. As detailed in Game Informer's graph , your Biotics Specialist needs to be talented enough to pull off the task interestingly, Miranda isn't, despite offering to do so herself. If they aren't, it isn't themselves they put at risk but one of your accompanying Squad.

The order of priority in this situation is calculated just like the Shield and Tanix Cannon checks on the Normandy, only here you have full control over who is present or not. According to Game Informer's graph , this works incredibly similarly to the Vent Specialist section. This time however, it is themselves who are at risk of dying. Lastly, you will also need to decide whether to send somebody to escort the Normandy's crew out of the Collector Base :.

As always, the calculations here are in accordance to Game Informer's graph. If strong characters like Grunt , Garrus or Zaeed have died before this point, you'll want to avoid sending another strong character as the Escort here as that may negatively affect the outcome of the Hold the Line section.


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